2021.08.27 11:20Nation

ワクチン・治療薬など1.4兆円 コロナ予備費を追加支出―政府


2021.08.27 11:20Nation

Japan to Additionally Spend 1.4 T. Yen from Coronavirus Reserve

The Japanese government decided at a cabinet meeting on Friday to additionally spend 1,422.6 billion yen from its budget reserve for the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.
   Of the amount, 1,102.9 billion yen will be allocated to secure vaccines and drugs against the coronavirus.
   Meanwhile, 154.9 billion yen will be used for interest-free loans to struggling households, 84.1 billion yen for emergency subsidies to maintain jobs and 62.7 billion yen for aid to the entertainment industry.
   The coronavirus reserve totaling 5 trillion yen was included in the government's fiscal 2021 budget. After the additional spending, its remaining amount will stand at 2,565.4 billion yen.
   From the reserve, the government had previously decided to spend 1,012 billion yen, including for vaccine procurement.


