菅首相、異物混入「安全最優先」を指示 接種会場の公表検討、計画影響なし
Suga Wants Top Priority on Safety over Moderna Contamination
Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said Thursday that he has instructed the health ministry to give top priority to safety following reports of contamination of some vials of U.S. biotechnology company Moderna Inc.'s novel coronavirus vaccine.
"I've received a report that the contamination will not have a large impact on the COVID-19 vaccination program," Suga told reporters.
The government is considering disclosing the names of vaccination venues where the vials with contamination fears have been used, as it would be difficult to make contact individually with people who were inoculated against the coronavirus at those places, according to a senior government official.
The contaminated vials, which were not used for anyone, were found at a total of eight venues in Tokyo and Saitama, Ibaraki, Aichi and Gifu prefectures.
The government has decided to suspend the use of some 1.63 million doses of the Moderna vaccine that were manufactured at same production line. The doses were shipped to 863 vaccination venues across the country.