2021.08.25 22:42Nation

処理水の沖合放出計画公表 福島原発、海底トンネル1キロ―23年完成目指す・東電


2021.08.25 22:42Nation

TEPCO Announces Offshore N-Plant Water Release Plan

Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc. announced on Wednesday a plan to construct an undersea tunnel to release treated radioactive water from its stricken Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant some 1 kilometer off the coast.
   TEPCO aims to start constructing the tunnel by the end of March next year after obtaining approval from the Nuclear Regulation Authority and complete it by around the spring of 2023.
   The reinforced concrete tunnel will be some 2.5 meters in diameter, according to the company. The treated water, containing radioactive tritium, will be diluted with seawater so that the levels of radioactive substances will be lowered to less than one-40th of the state-set standards.
   TEPCO adopted the tunnel method to prevent released water from being used again to dilute treated water.
   The water intake channel of the plant's No. 5 reactor will be utilized to pump up seawater. The tunnel will be built near the channel.


