2021.08.12 22:56Nation

コロナワクチン接種の若者にポイント付与 20~30代、アプリで―東京都


2021.08.12 22:56Nation

Tokyo to Give Reward Points to Vaccinated Young People

The Tokyo metropolitan government plans to give reward points or coupons to people in their 20s and 30s who have been vaccinated against COVID-19, officials said Thursday.
   Currently, people aged 39 or younger account for some 70 pct of COVID-19 cases in the Japanese capital. But these young generations tend to be reluctant to get vaccinated.
   "We aim to promote vaccinations by giving incentives," an official at the metropolitan government said. It also plans to use social media to promote inoculations among young people.
   The incentive program will cover some 3.4 million Tokyo residents in their 20s and 30s. They will receive reward points or coupons from sponsor companies if they register vaccination records with a smartphone app.
   Other details, including when to start the program, remain to be worked out. The metropolitan government earmarked 250 million yen in related spending under a supplementary budget.


