2021.07.30 12:57Nation

英語民間、共通テスト断念表明 記述式も「実施方針は廃止」―萩生田文科相


2021.07.30 12:57Nation

Japan Scraps Plan to Use Private English Tests for Unified Exam

The Japanese government has given up its plan to introduce private-sector English tests and open-ended questions for annual unified university entrance examinations from fiscal 2024, education minister Koichi Hagiuda said Friday.
   Instead, the education ministry issued guidelines calling on universities to adopt such tests and questions for their own entrance exams.
   "We take seriously that we troubled examinees, and will work properly so there will not be similar problems," Hagiuda told a press conference, referring to the decision to scrap the plan.
   The ministry had planned to introduce private-sector English tests and open-ended questions for unified exams from fiscal 2020.
   In 2019, the ministry postponed the plan after it drew concerns over expensive exam fees, regional gaps and difficulties in guaranteeing accurate marking.


