2021.07.12 19:00Nation

原発は太陽光より割高 発電コスト、安全対策強化で―経産省試算


2021.07.12 19:00Nation

Nuclear Power Seen Costing More than Solar Power in 2030: METI

Nuclear power generation is projected to cost more than solar power in 2030 due to higher spending on safety measures, an estimate by the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry showed Monday.
   The estimate, presented at a meeting of a panel of experts, apparently contradicts the belief that nuclear power has the lowest cost for generating electricity among energy sources.
   Nuclear power is estimated to cost more than 11.50 yen per kilowatt-hour in 2030.
   The ministry's previous estimate, released in 2015, put the cost at 10.3 yen or more, claiming that nuclear power had the lowest generating cost.
   In the latest estimate, the generating cost of solar power for business use is projected at between a lower range of 8 yen and an upper range of 11 yen, reflecting a drop in costs for manufacturing solar power panels.


