2021.07.07 23:17Nation

「盛り土」過去に是正指導 届け出量の1.5倍か―県条例違反疑い・熱海土石流


2021.07.07 23:17Nation

Inappropriate Land-Raising Work Possibly behind Atami Mudslide

Inappropriate land-raising work may have been behind Saturday's fatal mudslide in Atami, Shizuoka Prefecture, a prefectural government official said Wednesday.
   The mudslide, which killed at least seven people and damaged about 130 buildings, has been found to have started around a site where the ground level was raised with soil.
   Takashi Nanba, vice governor of the central Japan prefecture, said that he believes "the construction method was inappropriate," adding that the drainage and other facilities there may have been inadequate.
   Nanba also said that corrective measures had been taken because illegal activity was found there.
   The site of the collapse had been a pathway for water, but soil had been added there for land raising in 2010 or earlier. At least 54,000 square meters of soil is believed to have been used in the work.


