2021.06.27 07:01Nation

イベント中止で協力金2億円 大規模接種大阪会場、国が負担へ


2021.06.27 07:01Nation

Japan to Compensate for Canceled Events at Vaccination Venue

The Japanese government plans to give subsidies to organizers of concerts and other events that were canceled due to the state-run COVID-19 vaccination scheme at the Osaka International Convention Center, informed sources said Saturday.
   A total of around 200 million yen will be paid to organizers who had booked the venue in the western Japan city of Osaka for events but were forced to cancel them as the site was turned into a mass coronavirus vaccination center operated by the Self-Defense Forces.
   The state will cover the costs as part of necessary expenses for renting the venue, the sources said.
   The mass vaccination programs in Tokyo and Osaka began on May 24 and will last three months.
   While the Tokyo vaccination center is set up at a seldom-used building owned by the government, the Osaka venue is located at the convention center, which had a total of 177 events such as concerts, academic conferences and corporate training sessions scheduled between May 17, when preparations for the vaccinations began, and August 24.


