2021.06.11 20:49Nation

政府、中国をWTO提訴 ステンレス製品に不当関税


2021.06.11 20:49Nation

Japan Complains to WTO about Chinese Duties on Stainless Steel

The Japanese government filed a complaint with the World Trade Organization on Friday about China's antidumping duties on Japanese stainless steel products.
   Under the WTO process, the two countries will first hold bilateral talks on the matter, and if they fail to reach a settlement within 60 days, the case will be sent to a WTO panel that serves as a lower court.
   China imposed the antidumping duties in July 2019, claiming that hot-rolled stainless coils and sheets including from Japan were unfairly cheap and hurting its domestic industry.
   The Chinese duties are seen annually costing Japanese exporters a total of about 1.1 billion yen.
   The Japanese government has demanded that China scraps the duties, claiming that high-priced Japanese products do not compete against Chinese products.


