2021.06.11 16:14Nation

五輪期間、テレワーク徹底を 政府、企業に要請


2021.06.11 16:14Nation

Japan to Ask Firms to Promote Telework during Tokyo Games

The Japanese government said Friday that it will request businesses and others to make intensive efforts to promote remote work from July 19 to Sept. 5, including the period of the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, to prevent the spread of novel coronavirus infections.
   The government hopes to realize safe and secure games by curbing contacts and traffic jams during the period when athletes and others related to the events are moving around.
   It aims to have 3,000 organizations joining the measure.
   Participating organizations will be asked to set a goal for promoting remote work, partly in line with the government's target of reducing the number of commuting workers by 70 pct.
   The government plans to continue requesting telework even after the Tokyo Games.


