2021.06.02 18:22Nation

「漫画村」運営者に実刑 海賊版サイト収入「犯罪収益」―福岡地裁


2021.06.02 18:22Nation

Ex-"Mangamura" Pirate Manga Website Operator Found Guilty

Fukuoka District Court sentenced Romi Hoshino, former operator of pirate website Mangamura, to three years in prison Wednesday for uploading popular manga series without permission.
   Hoshino, 29, was found guilty of violating the copyright law and concealing criminal proceeds in breach of the law on the punishment of organized crimes.
   He was also slapped with a fine of 10 million yen and an extra fine of 62.57 million yen. The prosecution had sought four years and six months in prison, a fine of 10 million yen and an additional fine of 62.57 million yen.
   Hoshino committed acts that "could destroy the basic structure of profiting from copyrighted works and hinder the development of culture," Presiding Judge Hiroshi Kanbara said.
   The main issue was whether the advertising income earned through the Mangamura website could be recognized as criminal proceeds.


