2021.06.02 13:12Nation

生活保護申請、22万件余 20年度、リーマン以来の増加―厚労省


2021.06.02 13:12Nation

Welfare Applications in Japan Grow in Fiscal 2020

The number of public welfare benefit applications in Japan rose in fiscal 2020 for the first time since fiscal 2009 in the aftermath of the global financial crisis, a preliminary government survey showed Wednesday.
   In fiscal 2020, which ended in March, the number of applications rose 2.3 pct from the previous year to 228,081, according to the survey compiled by the health ministry.
   The employment situation remains severe due to the prolonged fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic, ministry officials said.
   In March alone, the number of applications grew 8.6 pct from a year before to 22,839, its seventh successive month of increase.
   The number of households on welfare stood at 1,641,536 in March, an increase of 6,336.


