2021.05.31 17:25Nation

五輪観戦、陰性証明義務付け 食事・飲酒禁止も―政府検討


2021.05.31 17:25Nation

COVID-19 Certificate May Be Mandatory for Tokyo Games Goers

Japan is considering obliging Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics spectators to present a negative result certificate for a novel coronavirus test when they enter the venues, government sources said Monday.
   The government is also discussing the idea of banning eating, alcohol drinking and loud cheering in the venues to reduce the risk of droplet infections, according to the sources.
   The government is holding the discussions as thorough coronavirus measures would be crucial to holding the Tokyo Games with spectators this summer.
   The central government, the Tokyo metropolitan government and the Tokyo Games organizing committee have already decided not to admit any general spectators from abroad to the sporting events.
   The organizations are slated to decide the maximum number of domestic spectators for the games by the end of June.


