2021.05.12 16:53Nation

2回接種、9割に変異株抗体 ファイザー製ワクチン―横浜市立大


2021.05.12 16:53Nation

90 Pct Develop Antibodies for Variants after 2 Pfizer Jabs

Some 90 pct of people who have received two jabs of the novel coronavirus vaccine from Pfizer Inc. developed neutralizing antibodies against variant strains, a Japanese research team said Wednesday.
   The proportion of those who acquired such antibodies after being administered their first shots was relatively low, according to the team, led by Takeharu Yamanaka, professor at Yokohama City University.
   "The finding gives hope for herd immunity," Yamanaka said. "We may be able to deal with the existing variants with the vaccines we have now."
   The survey covered 105 staff members of the university's hospital with no record of coronavirus infection who were given the Pfizer vaccine, and the team studied the proportion of people who developed neutralizing antibodies against seven mutant strains, including those originating from British and South Africa, and the conventional strain.
   Whereas only 18 pct of those after their first jabs had antibodies that can fend off infections with the British variant, 94 pct had the antibodies after their second jabs.


