2021.05.11 18:36Nation

原発処理水、沖合1キロ放出案 海底にパイプライン設置―東電・政府


2021.05.11 18:36Nation

Release of Fukushima Water 1 Kilometer from Coast under Study

Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc. and the Japanese government are considering a plan to release treated radioactive water from the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant into the sea about 1 kilometer from the coast, informed sources said Tuesday.
   The plan calls for a pipeline to be set up at the bottom of the ocean, according to the sources.
   TEPCO, the government and the Nuclear Regulation Authority are expected to kick off full-fledged talks next month to decide whether to release the water directly from the coast near the power plant or offshore through a pipeline, the sources said.
   The TEPCO plant in Fukushima Prefecture, northeastern Japan, was heavily damaged in the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. The treated water contains tritium, a radioactive substance.
   Groundwater and rainwater continue to flow into damaged reactor buildings at the nuclear power plant, ending up being contaminated with radioactive substances.


