2021.05.04 14:16Nation

ミャンマー、北角裕樹さん起訴 「虚偽ニュース」広めた罪


2021.05.04 14:16Nation

Japanese Journalist Indicted in Myanmar

Prosecutors in Myanmar indicted a 45-year-old Japanese freelance journalist on Monday on charges including disseminating "fake" news, the Japanese Embassy in Myanmar has confirmed.
   Yuki Kitazumi, arrested by local authorities at his home in Yangon, Myanmar's largest city, on April 18, will be put on trial as a result of the indictment. This means that his detention may be prolonged.
   The Japanese journalist was indicted for allegedly violating Myanmar's special immigration law that sets requirements for visa issuance and the Southeast Asian country's criminal law banning the spread of fake news. The trial date is yet to be set.
   Violators of the special immigration law and the criminal law will face an imprisonment of up to five years and three years, respectively.
   Kitazumi had disseminated information through social media and his contributions to Japanese media organization. It is unclear which information has been suspected to be fake news.


