2021.04.23 16:46Nation

福井県議会が再稼働容認 40年超原発3基、知事判断へ


2021.04.23 16:46Nation

Fukui Pref. Assembly OKs Restarts of Mihama, Takahama N-Reactors

The Fukui prefectural assembly on Friday gave de facto approval for the restarts of three nuclear power reactors aged over 40 years in the central Japan prefecture.
   In an extraordinary session, the assembly approved a written opinion supporting the restarts of the three reactors owned by Kansai Electric Power Co. and a petition from a pro-nuclear group.
   The final decision on whether to approve the reactivation of the No. 3 reactor at the Mihama nuclear power station and the No. 1 and No. 2 reactors at the Takahama plant will be made by Fukui Governor Tatsuji Sugimoto.
   "I understand that the assembly showed a positive stance on the restart" of the reactors, Sugimoto told reporters after the assembly session. "I'd like to take the process and result of the assembly's discussions seriously," he added.
   Sugimoto plans to visit both nuclear power plants on Saturday. He is expected to reach a decision soon, after meeting with Kansai Electric President Takashi Morimoto and industry minister Hiroshi Kajiyama.


