2021.04.22 21:51Nation

温室ガス「30年度46%削減」 新目標、大幅引き上げ―気候サミットで・菅首相


2021.04.22 21:51Nation

Japan's Suga Vows 46 Pct Emissions Cut in FY 2030

Japan's Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga on Thursday unveiled a plan to slash the country's greenhouse gas emissions in fiscal 2030 by 46 pct from the fiscal 2013 level, far higher than its current target of a 26 pct reduction.
   In a speech at an online climate summit hosted by the United States, Suga also said, "Japan will continue strenuous efforts in its challenge to meet the lofty goal of cutting its emissions by 50 pct."
   Slashing emissions by 46 pct "will certainly not be an easy task," Suga said. But he added, "By defining a top-level ambitious target befitting to a next growth strategy of the nation, which underpins manufacturing in the world, Japan is ready to demonstrate its leadership for worldwide decarbonization."
   To attain the target, the Suga government plans to take policies such as fully utilizing renewable and other clean energy sources, launching measures for spurring investment to help speed up decarbonization and supporting efforts being made around the country to tackle global warming.
   The Japanese government adopted the 26 pct emissions cut target in 2015. In spring last year, the government looked at the possibility of raising the target, but stopped short of doing this.


