2021.04.09 11:08Nation

20年度の緊急発進725回 過去5年で最少―防衛省


2021.04.09 11:08Nation

Japanese Fighter Scrambles Down to 725 in FY 2020

Japanese Air Self-Defense Force fighters scrambled 725 times to warn against airspace violations in fiscal 2020, the lowest level over the past five years, the Defense Ministry said Friday.
   The total in the year through last month was down by 222 from the previous year.
   ASDF fighters responded to Chinese airplanes in 458 of the 725 cases, down by 217, and to Russian aircraft in 258 cases, down by 10, according to the ministry.
   "The Chinese and Russian militaries still remain active. We will continue to take all possible measures against airspace intrusions," Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi told a press conference on Friday.


