2021.04.02 11:12Nation

夫婦別姓検討チームが初会合 自民、論点整理に着手


2021.04.02 11:12Nation

LDP's Working Team on Dual Surname System Hold 1st Meeting

A working team of Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party to discuss a possible dual surname system held its first meeting at the party's headquarters on Friday.
   Within the LDP, a group promoting the dual surname system and one cautious about it have each set up a parliamentary league.
   As the debate on the issue is expected to heat up, the working team aims to coordinate opinions as a formal organization of the party. The team is chaired by former Secretary-General Nobuteru Ishihara.
   At the meeting, opinions both for and against the system were heard, including, "There are problems that can't be resolved just by using maiden names," and, "Since this will be an issue in a general election, the direction should be clearly indicated."
   The grand bench of the Supreme Court is expected to make a constitutional judgment over the current common surname system.


