時短協力金、規模別で支給 中小企業は最大日額10万円―飲食店支援策・政府
Japan Govt Sets New Policy on Aid for Shorter Biz Hours
The Japanese government on Thursday decided a new policy of providing different amounts of aid to eating and drinking facilities accepting requests for cutting opening hours under a coronavirus state of emergency or pre-emergency stage based on the size of their operations.
The move is designed to obtain cooperation for such requests from as many businesses as possible.
The government will apply the policy to six cities that will be put under the novel coronavirus pre-emergency stage for one month from Monday. The six cities are Osaka, the capital of the namesake western prefecture, Kobe, the capital of neighboring Hyogo Prefecture, the Hyogo cities of Nishinomiya, Amagasaki and Ashiya, and Sendai, the capital of the northeastern prefecture of Miyagi.
The government decided the pre-emergency designation on Thursday, with measures to curb infections set to be taken intensively in the six cities during the one-month period.
Eating and drinking establishments run by small companies will receive daily aid equivalent to 40 pct of their one-day sales in the previous business year or in the year before that, with an upper limit set at 100,000 yen, if they are asked to close at 8 p.m. or earlier. A facility with daily sales of 100,000 yen, for example, will get 40,000 yen per day. The aid amount will be 100,000 yen for a facility with daily sales of 250,000 yen or more.