2021.04.01 19:10Nation

小池都知事、まん延防止要請に含み 専門家「第3波超えも」


2021.04.01 19:10Nation

Tokyo Open to Requesting Pre-emergency Measures over Pandemic

Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike suggested Thursday that the metropolitan government may ask the national government to invoke pre-emergency measures over the coronavirus pandemic in the Japanese capital.
   Koike told reporters that the metropolitan government is considering its response to the pandemic while keeping all options on the table.
   At a metropolitan government meeting earlier in the day, a related expert warned that the coronavirus situation in Tokyo could worsen beyond the recent third wave of infections, due to an increase in crowds.
   Since a coronavirus state of emergency ended in Tokyo and nearby prefectures on March 21, the metropolitan area has seen the nighttime population increase sharply.
   Meanwhile, the national government is now poised to declare the pre-emergency stage for the western prefectures of Osaka and Hyogo and the northeastern prefecture of Miyagi, in response to surging infections in the prefectures.


