2021.03.31 14:58Nation

全国約880カ所で採火へ やまゆり園、平和記念公園など―東京パラ聖火リレー


2021.03.31 14:58Nation

880 Flame Events to Precede Tokyo Paralympics

Events for the Paralympic flame will be held in some 880 municipalities across Japan ahead of the Aug. 24 opening ceremony of the Tokyo Paralympics, the Tokyo Games organizing committee said Wednesday.
   Flame festivals and visits will take place in 43 of Japan's 47 prefectures on Aug. 12-16, while the remaining four prefectures--Tokyo, Shizuoka, Chiba and Saitama--where Paralympic Games venues are located, will host similar events and the Paralympic torch relay from Aug. 17, according to a detailed program for Paralympic flame-related events announced by the organizing committee.
   A flame to be created on Aug. 19 in Stoke Mandeville in Britain, the birthplace of the Paralympic Games, will be combined with the flames from Japan's 47 prefectures in a ceremony in Tokyo on Aug. 20. The combined flame will tour around Tokyo until the opening ceremony.
   In the western city of Hiroshima, which experienced U.S. atomic bombing during World War II, the Paralympic flame will come from the Peace Flame at Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park.
   A flame event will also be held at Tsukui Yamayuri-en, a care home for mentally disabled people in Sagamihara in the eastern prefecture of Kanagawa, where 19 residents were knifed to death by a former worker in 2016.


