2021.03.31 00:25Nation

送別会主催の課長更迭 23人深夜まで、田村厚労相は給与返納


2021.03.31 00:25Nation

Health Ministry Division Chief Removed over Late-Night Party

The Japanese Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry has effectively removed a division chief from the post over a late-night farewell party that was held among 23 people from the ministry last week amid the new coronavirus epidemic.
   The ministry said Tuesday that Kaoru Manabe, chief of the Division of the Health for the Elderly at the ministry's Health and Welfare Bureau for the Elderly, who organized the party, will have his pay cut by 10 pct for one month and that he was moved to the minister's Secretariat the same day.
   Health, Labor and Welfare Minister Norihisa Tamura will voluntary return two months of his pay as a cabinet minister over the issue.
   Of the 22 remaining participants in the party, 19 were given warnings, while the three others were not punished because they are working for the ministry as trainees from local governments.
   Vice Health, Labor and Welfare Minister Hideki Tarumi was slapped with a strong warning for failing to properly supervise his staff at the ministry. Eiji Habu, head of the Health and Welfare Bureau for the Elderly, received a milder warning.


