2021.03.30 11:43Nation

抗体保有率、東京1.35% 新型コロナ、集団免疫遠く―厚労省確定値


2021.03.30 11:43Nation

1.35 Pct in Tokyo Have Coronavirus Antibodies

Only 1.35 pct of people in Tokyo tested positive for antibodies against the novel coronavirus, the final report of a test conducted by the Japanese health ministry showed Tuesday.
   The antibody test, the second of its kind, was carried out between Dec. 14 and 26 last year, covering residents with consent in five of the country's 47 prefectures.
   The rate in Tokyo increased 13.5-fold from the level marked in the first survey, conducted in June 2020.
   The latest possession rate stood at 0.69 pct in the western prefecture of Osaka, 0.71 pct in the central prefecture of Aichi, 0.14 pct in the northeastern prefecture of Miyagi and 0.42 pct in the southwestern prefecture of Fukuoka.
   "Although the rate is different among prefectures, it has been confirmed that many people still do not have antibodies," the ministry said, pointing out that people in Japan are far from a state of "herd immunity," in which most of the people are infected and have antibodies, and the epidemic has subsided.


