2023.10.25 12:11Nation

岸田首相、ライドシェア「方向性出す」 財政規律への配慮強調―参院代表質問


2023.10.25 12:11Nation

Kishida Reiterates Vow to Consider Ride-Sharing

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on Wednesday reiterated that the government will consider lifting a ban on ride-sharing services.
   "We'll tackle challenges and map out a direction, while responding to serious social issues including shortages of local public transportation drivers," Kishida told a meeting of the House of Councillors, the upper chamber of parliament.
   Kishida dispelled concerns that proposed tax cuts will hurt the country's finances. The government will "strive to ensure that people have confidence in our fiscal sustainability by overcoming deflation and restoring fiscal health," he said.
   He also said his plan to return part of higher tax revenue to the public means directly underpinning people's disposable income and easing the pain of soaring prices by taking a temporary measure to ensure an exit from deflation.
   Referring to the conflict between Israel and Hamas, Kishida said, "We'll work to build trust between the parties concerned through our own efforts."


