2023.05.31 10:19Nation

孤独・孤立対策推進法が成立 国、自治体で支援強化


2023.05.31 10:19Nation

Japan Diet Enacts Bill to Tackle Social Isolation

Japan's Diet, or parliament, on Wednesday enacted into law a bill to promote measures for supporting people in social isolation and loneliness.
   The bill was approved at the day's plenary meeting of the House of Councillors, the upper chamber of the Diet. It cleared the House of Representatives, the lower chamber, in late April.
   The legislation, to be put into effect on April 1 next year, calls for creating a task force headed by the prime minister for the implementation of countermeasures at the Cabinet Office while requiring the government to formulate a priority policy that will serve as guidelines for such measures.
   Based on the law, the state will cooperate with local governments to tackle social isolation and loneliness.
   Calling social isolation and loneliness "an issue for the entire society," the legislation obliges local governments to make efforts to set up regional councils made up of groups offering aid to people suffering the problem.


