2023.03.25 20:33Nation

「性自認」明記を問題視 LGBT法案、新たなハードル―自民保守派


2023.03.25 20:33Nation

Conservatives in LDP Take Issue with "Gender Identity" in LGBT Bill

As the Japanese parliament deliberates a bill on promoting understanding of LGBT people, conservatives in the ruling Liberal Democratic Party are taking issue with a clause that mentions "gender identity."
   The pushback against the bill's reference to gender identity is seen presenting a new hurdle to passing the legislation, especially as the LDP's conservative wing is already opposed to a part of the bill that denounces discrimination against LGBT people.
   The conservatives argue that giving individuals the right to decide what gender they identify will lead to social confusion.
   At a meeting of LDP members belonging to a faction led by former party Secretary-General Toshihiro Nikai in late February, former Foreign Minister Hirofumi Nakasone said, "There was an incident at a golf course in which a man entered the women's restroom, claiming to be a woman."
   While noting that "gender identity should be respected," Nakasone argued that there has been no discussion on the matter. Another LDP lawmaker said that discussions "must be done carefully."


