2022.12.05 07:45Nation

コロナ抗体保有率に地域差 9~46%、感染状況に影響か―全国では26.5%・厚労省


2022.12.05 07:45Nation

COVID-19 Antibody Prevalence Rate at 26.5 Pct in Japan

The proportion of people in Japan having antibodies created after COVID-19 infection came to 26.5 pct, the health ministry said in a preliminary survey report.
   The report also showed that prefecture-by-prefecture prevalence rates of COVID-19 antibodies ranged widely from 9 pct to 46 pct, suggesting that the varying rates may be affecting the latest regional infection situations. Another finding was that the antibody prevalence rates tended to be low for older people.
   The survey was conducted Nov. 6-13. With the help of the Japanese Red Cross Society, the ministry examined for the presence or absence of antibodies obtained through infection with the novel coronavirus in blood samples of 8,260 people aged 16-69 across Japan who made blood donations.
   Of Japan's 47 prefectures, Okinawa marked the highest antibody prevalence rate, at 46.6 pct, followed by Osaka, at 40.7 pct, Kagoshima, at 35.2 pct, Kyoto, at 34.9 pct, and Kumamoto, at 32.9 pct. The proportion was the lowest in Nagano, at 9.0 pct, second lowest in Tokushima, at 13.1 pct, and third lowest in Ehime, at 14.4 pct.
   By age group, the prevalence rate was the highest for those aged 16-19, at 38.0 pct. The proportions topped 30 pct for all age groups up to people in their 20s to 30s. But the percentages went down as the age increased, hitting the lowest at 16.5 pct for people in their 60s.


