2022.08.09 23:44Nation

経済安保・高市、防衛・浜田氏 岸田改造内閣、10日発足


2022.08.09 23:44Nation

Japan's Kishida Picks Takaichi as Economic Security Minister

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, president of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, has decided to name LDP Policy Research Council chair Sanae Takaichi, 61, as economic security minister, sources said Tuesday.
   Kishida will also appoint former Defense Minister Yasukazu Hamada, 66, as defense minister in Wednesday's reshuffle of Kishida's cabinet and the LDP leadership team.
   In the LDP, Kishida will retain Vice President Taro Aso, 81, and Secretary-General Toshimitsu Motegi, 66.
   Toshiaki Endo, 72, who chairs the Election Strategy Committee, will become chairman of the General Council, while economy minister Koichi Hagiuda, 58, will chair the Policy Research Council.
   Hiroshi Moriyama, 77, former chief of the Diet Affairs Committee, will fill the top post of the Election Strategy Committee.


