2022.05.22 13:43Nation

船体引き揚げへ準備進む 23日で発生1カ月―国後島の遺体、不明甲板員か・知床事故

 北海道・知床半島沖で26人が乗った観光船「KAZU I(カズワン)」が沈没した事故で、海上保安庁と契約した専門業者「日本サルヴェージ」は21日、水深約120メートルの海底に沈んだ船体の引き揚げに向けた準備作業に着手した。事故は23日で発生から1カ月。14人の死亡が確認され、12人の行方が分かっていない。

2022.05.22 13:43Nation

Preparations to Salvage Sunken Boat Begin off Hokkaido

Preparations to salvage the Kazu I tour boat, which sank off the Shiretoko Peninsula in Hokkaido, northernmost Japan, last month, started on Saturday.
   Nippon Salvage Co. has been commissioned by the Japan Coast Guard to salvage the boat, which currently lies on the seabed at a depth of some 120 meters.
   The day's preparation work was conducted by saturation divers, who have adjusted their bodies to high water pressure. They removed objects that may hinder the salvage operations.
   A work vessel engaged in the salvage mission later headed for a port in the Hokkaido city of Abashiri, near the accident site, due to stormy weather. No salvage operations will be conducted on Sunday as the weather is forecast to remain bad.
   The boat was initially planned to be lifted close to the sea surface by wires on Sunday and be moved onto the work vessel on Monday.


