2021.12.10 09:57Nation

2割負担、来年10月で調整 75歳以上の医療費引き上げ―政府


2021.12.10 09:57Nation

Japan Eyeing Medical Fee Hike for Elderly in Oct. 2022

The Japanese government plans to raise the proportion of out-of-pocket medical expenses borne by some people aged 75 or over to 20 pct from the current 10 pct in October 2022, it was learned Friday.
   Currently, the share stands at 10 pct in principle and 30 pct for people with relatively large income, such as those who live alone and earn 3.83 million yen or more a year.
   Under the government plan, the share will be raised to 20 pct for people living alone and earning at least 2 million yen a year and for couples with a total annual income of 3.2 million yen or more, while measures to cushion the impacts of the hike will be implemented for three years after the change takes effect.
   But the timing of the hike could be fluid as some ruling bloc lawmakers may voice caution over the higher financial burden ahead of next summer's election for the House of Councillors, the upper chamber of the Diet, Japan's parliament, sources said.
   The Diet enacted in June medical system reform legislation, which calls for the hike to be made sometime between October 2022 and March 2023.


