2021.12.10 00:43Nation

岸田首相、人権侵害「有志国結束を」 国連機関に15億円拠出


2021.12.10 00:43Nation

Kishida Seeks Solidarity in Addressing Human Rights Abuses

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida called for international solidarity in addressing human rights violations, in a speech he delivered at a U.S.-sponsored online democracy summit that started on Thursday.
   "It is necessary for like-minded countries to be united in tackling actions that would undermine fundamental values such as freedom, democracy and the rule of law," Kishida said in the speech at the two-day Summit for Democracy. Hosted by U.S. President Joe Biden, the conference brought together representatives from about 110 countries and regions.
   Kishida said Japan "will firmly raise its voice against serious human rights violations."
   With China's alleged human rights abuses in the Xinjiang Uighur autonomous region in mind, he effectively highlighted solidarity with the United States and other countries sharing universal values, pundits said.
   In the speech, the prime minister announced Japan's plan to provide some 14 million dollars to the U.N. Development Program to help eliminate human rights abuses, such as forced labor and human trafficking, from corporate supply chains.


