2021.12.07 20:24Nation

途上国に3000億円支援 岸田首相「栄養サミット」で表明


2021.12.07 20:24Nation

Kishida Vows 2.8 B. Dlrs in Overseas Nutrition Aid

Japan will provide at least 2.8 billion dollars over the next three years to help developing countries improve nutrition, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said Tuesday.
   Kishida also unveiled a plan to offer 10 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines to African countries amid the global spread of the omicron variant of the coronavirus. The supply is part of Japan's broader plan to provide 60 million doses globally.
   He announced the aid in a speech on the opening day of the two-day Tokyo Nutrition for Growth Summit 2021, where participants discuss efforts to improve nutrition.
   Kishida said that advanced countries are facing obesity problems as a result of overnutrition, while malnutrition is becoming severe in developing nations.
   Poor nutrition is impairing the growth of over 140 million children, and the number of children suffering from severe malnutrition has grown by 13.6 million amid the pandemic, Kishida said.


