コロナ機に描く「感謝の花」 日本人画家、NYで展示会
奥田氏は有名ブランド「TAKEO KIKUCHI」のデザイナーとして勤務したが、2016年に「自己表現をしたい」との気持ちから画家として独立。今回の展示で「一人でも多くの人が感謝の気持ちを共有してもらえれば」と願っている。展示会は11月7日まで。(2021/10/09-20:38)
Japanese Artist Okuda Opens Exhibit "With Gratitude" in N.Y.
Japanese artist Yuta Okuda has opened an exhibition of his paintings in New York, one of the places deeply affected by the novel coronavirus pandemic last year, hoping to cheer up guests while overcoming the language barrier.
The exhibition, titled "With Gratitude," started Wednesday, displaying Okuda's 27 flower drawings, all of which were shown for the first time.
Okuda, who lives in Kanagawa Prefecture, south of Tokyo, used to draw living objects in black and white. However, after facing the coronavirus crisis, he started to focus on painting colorful flowers to express gratitude.
"I want to show that I was able to see a future and became positive after I thanked for the simple things in life," the 34-year-old said, describing how he overcame the hard time he had after his exhibitions were canceled due to the spread of the coronavirus.
"I hope many people will be able to share feelings of gratitude" through the event, Okuda said.